You can’t improve what you can’t measure.

Get real-time, actionable insights and improve your labor productivity with the ideal shop floor management platform for small to mid-size manufacturers.

OHE is the new OEE.

While it’s important to have, even the most efficient equipment is only as effective as the people running it. Follow our four keys to improving Overall Human Effectiveness (OHE) and get a happier, more productive work environment.


All the tools you need to reduce downtime and increase efficiency all in one easy-to-use system

OHE is the new OEE.

While it’s important to have, even the most efficient equipment is only as effective as the people running it. Follow our four keys to improving Overall Human Effectiveness (OHE) and get a happier, more productive work environment.

Ramp up without shutting down.

Plug and play securely in the cloud.

Shop Floor IQ is configurable to adapt to your needs. Simply plug into new or existing button boxes, display drivers, stack lights, and more. No need to shut down for days. Implementation is quick and easy.

Raise Your Shop Floor IQ

Heavy Manufacturing
In this blog, we'll discuss how Lean Manufacturing elements such as an Andon system provide visibility across assembly lines and
Culture of Accountability
In this blog post, we will discuss how small manufacturers can create a culture of accountability with an alternative to
Takt Timers
In this post, we’ll discuss three ways that technology unlocks productivity through advances in Andon systems and Takt timers.